Thursday, November 3, 2022

The History & Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court


    What I learned about the Supreme Court that I did not know before was how each Supreme Court Justice is given a case to look over to see if it is constitutionally fair, and if it is not, then they would take it to the other Supreme Court Justices. I initially thought all the Supreme Court Justices looked over every case together to prevent any biased opinions. However, now I see that all the Justices are non-biased, logical thinkers. 

    The most important thing I took away from the videos is that the Supreme Court does not hide any information from the American people. They see no benefit in trying to cover anything up or mislead people for their benefit. I found that necessary because there is always news about companies lying or public figures lying about information to better their image in the media. For the Supreme court to not do that is refreshing and puts my mind at ease, knowing that not all people in power are money and power-hungry but care about the American people.

    What I found to be surprising is how much they respect one another. Political leaders bash each other to make themselves look better and more qualified for a job. In contrast, the Supreme Court leaders work as a team and want to make every case they have been given to be fair with the constitutional guidelines. 

    The video changed how I think about the Supreme Court with the Supreme Court Justices. Before, I did not know much about the Supreme Court, nor was I interested in learning about it. I assumed the Supreme Court Leaders were like politicians and did not care about the cases they were given but more about their paychecks. They put themselves aside to serve the American people better and bring fairness to court. I now respect them as they do each other because I would find it hard not to bring my opinions into my decision-making. 

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